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How do sports domes work?

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Sports domes offer a fantastic solution for shielding athletes and spectators from inclement weather while still enjoying the game. If your field is situated in an area prone to heavy precipitation or extreme temperatures, a sports dome might be the ideal choice for you.

There are several types of sports dome constructions available, with the most common being the air-supported structure. These domes are inflated with air and supported by a network of steel cables. While air-supported structures are generally the most cost-effective option, they may not be as resilient as other types of sports facilities.

Although the construction of a sports dome can be intricate, it is comparatively simpler than building permanent sports structures. Understanding how sports domes function before commencing construction can provide valuable insight into the process.

Feel free to utilize our sports dome cost calculator to receive a customized estimate for your project.

What are sports domes?

Sports domes, also known as sports bubbles or inflatable sports facilities, are large, enclosed structures designed to house various types of sports activities and events. They are typically made of a durable, transparent material that allows natural light to pass through while providing a controlled environment for athletes and spectators. Here are some key features and benefits of sports domes:

  1. All-Weather Protection: Sports domes allow sports to be played regardless of the outdoor weather conditions, such as rain, snow, or extreme temperatures.

  2. Climate Control: They often include heating, cooling, and ventilation systems to maintain a comfortable environment for players and spectators.

  3. Multi-Sport Use: Sports domes can accommodate a wide range of sports, including soccer, football, baseball, tennis, and basketball, among others.

  4. Year-Round Accessibility: By providing a controlled environment, sports domes enable year-round use of sports facilities, increasing their utility and accessibility to the community.

  5. Energy Efficiency: Some sports domes are designed with energy-efficient materials and systems to reduce operational costs and environmental impact.

  6. Acoustics: The enclosed space can sometimes provide better acoustics for spectators, enhancing the overall experience of watching a game.

  7. Aesthetics: Sports domes can be designed with a focus on aesthetics, making them visually appealing structures that can become landmarks or points of interest.

  8. Community Hubs: They often serve as community hubs for sports, fitness, and recreational activities, promoting health and social interaction.

  9. Cost-Effectiveness: While the initial investment for a sports dome can be significant, the ability to use the facility year-round can make it a cost-effective solution over time.

  10. Versatility: Beyond sports, sports domes can be used for other events such as concerts, exhibitions, and community gatherings.

Sports domes range in size and complexity, from small, portable domes used for individual tennis courts to large, multi-court facilities that can host major sporting events. They are a popular choice for areas with inclement weather or where space is at a premium, and they can contribute to the development of sports and recreational opportunities within a community.

Why choose a sports dome?

Certainly, here's a condensed version of the reasons to choose a sports dome, organized into five paragraphs:

All-Weather and Climate-Controlled Play Sports domes provide an ideal solution for year-round sports activities by shielding players and spectators from inclement weather. They are equipped with climate control systems to ensure a comfortable environment, regardless of the external conditions. This feature not only extends the usability of sports facilities but also promotes regular physical activity and community engagement.

Multi-Functional and Economical The multi-use nature of sports domes makes them a versatile addition to any community or sports organization. They can accommodate a variety of sports and alternative events like concerts and trade shows, maximizing the return on investment. Despite the potentially high initial construction costs, the year-round availability and reduced maintenance requirements can make sports domes a cost-effective choice in the long term.

Safety and Acoustic Benefits Enclosed sports domes offer a safer environment for sports by controlling external variables and providing a secure space for play. The acoustic design of these structures often enhances the experience for both participants and audiences, making games and events more enjoyable. Additionally, sports domes can contribute to the local economy by attracting visitors for various events, thus stimulating economic activity.

Health and Fitness Promotion By offering a space where physical activity is possible regardless of the weather, sports domes play a significant role in promoting health and fitness. They encourage regular exercise, which is beneficial for public health and well-being. For professional and amateur sports teams, sports domes provide an ideal location for training sessions without the risk of weather-related cancellations.

Environmental and Accessibility Considerations Sports domes are environmentally friendly options that reduce the need for outdoor field maintenance, such as watering and the use of pesticides. They also offer a controlled atmosphere that is accessible to a wider range of users, including those with physical disabilities or sensitivities to weather changes. Furthermore, the use of energy-efficient materials and systems in modern sports domes contributes to lower operating costs and a reduced carbon footprint.

In summary, sports domes are chosen for their ability to provide a controlled, safe, and versatile environment that supports a wide range of sports and community activities. They are an investment in community health, economic vitality, and environmental sustainability.


What ameneties are needed for your dome?

Certainly, here's a structured breakdown of the amenities needed for a sports dome, condensed into five paragraphs:

Essential Infrastructure and Comfort Amenities The core of any sports dome is its infrastructure, which includes adequate and high-quality lighting to prevent shadows and glare, and a ventilation system for climate control that ensures a comfortable environment for all users. Seating arrangements must cater to spectators with a clear view of the playing area, and restroom facilities should be easily accessible and compliant with accessibility standards. Additionally, concession stands or vending machines provide refreshments and sustenance for players and spectators alike.

Player Support and Medical Services To support athletes, locker rooms with showers and secure lockers are necessary for changing and storing personal belongings. A first aid station or medical room equipped to handle injuries is also crucial, as sports activities can sometimes lead to accidents. Ensuring that these facilities are well-maintained and readily available can significantly enhance the user experience and safety within the sports dome.

Communication, Accessibility, and Administration A public address system is vital for making announcements and amplifying voices during events, while a sound system can enhance the atmosphere with background music or live commentary. Wi-Fi access is also becoming increasingly important for spectators, officials, and for streaming or broadcasting events. Furthermore, ramps, elevators, and disabled access points should be incorporated to ensure that the sports dome is accessible to everyone. Administrative offices and meeting rooms are also necessary for managing the facility and accommodating team discussions.

Ancillary Spaces and Storage The sports dome should have designated warming-up and practice areas to allow athletes to prepare adequately. Storage areas for sports equipment, maintenance tools, and supplies are essential to keep the facility organized and functional. Additionally, signage should be clear and visible to guide users to important locations such as restrooms, seating areas, and exits.

Security, Maintenance, and Environmental Considerations Security measures like secure entrances, surveillance cameras, and possibly a security staff are important to ensure the safety of all users. Maintenance facilities with space and equipment for the upkeep of the sports dome, including cleaning supplies and tools for field maintenance, are also necessary. Lastly, providing adequate parking facilities and ensuring proper waste management through the provision of trash and recycling bins contribute to the overall efficiency and environmental responsibility of the sports dome.

In summary, a well-equipped sports dome should prioritize the comfort, safety, and accessibility of all users while providing the necessary infrastructure to support a wide range of sports and events. Proper planning and inclusion of these amenities can greatly enhance the functionality and appeal of the sports dome to the community.

Sports dome installation companies

Working with a professional company that specializes in sports domes will help you get the most out of your new facility. They can help you choose the right amenities to create the perfect environment for your sport. 

Sports dome construction can be a complex process, but with careful planning and execution, your new facility can be up and running in no time.

Before you pick up the phone and start calling potential partners, read our important considerations when choosing a sports dome construction company.

Partnering with Broadwell for Premium Air Dome Solutions

When considering the implementation of a sports dome, partnering with an industry leader like Broadwell ensures you're at the forefront of innovation and quality. Broadwell is a global leader in air-supported structures, with a reputation for designing, manufacturing, and developing state-of-the-art air domes. Headquartered in the United States and operating on a multinational scale, Broadwell's reach extends across the globe, with their domes operational in 17 countries and counting. Their commitment to research and development, with an impressive 30 million invested in research, has led to the creation of some of the safest and strongest domes in the world. With over 1000 successful cases, Broadwell's expertise is evident in their extensive portfolio of air domes that cater to various industries. For organizations looking to enhance their sports facilities with a reliable and high-performance air dome, Broadwell offers a comprehensive suite of services that span from consultation to installation. Their dedication to excellence and customer satisfaction makes them an ideal partner for your sports dome needs. To explore how Broadwell's air domes can elevate your sports facility and to learn more about their industry-leading solutions


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